It's Showtime (formerly known as Showtime) is a Philippine noontime musical variety show broadcast by ABS-CBN. The show is also broadcast worldwide through The Filipino Channel. The show premiered on October 24, 2009 as a morning talent show for over four regular seasons and various special editions. On January 28, 2012, the show aired its final episode with its two-year competition format and ended with a mysterious and impartial farewell. On January 30, the program revealed a teaser showing its reincarnated look as a reformatted noontime show now entitled It's Showtime, which premiered on February 6, 2012. The show simulcasted on Studio 23 during its relaunch week. It aired live daily on CgeTV's website.
The main hosts of the said show were:
- Anne Curtis (2012-present)
- Vhong Navarro (2009–present)
- Billy Crawford (2011–present)
- Karylle Tatlonghari (2011–present)
- Vice Ganda (2009–present)
- Kim Atienza (2009–present)
- Teddy Corpuz (2009–present)
- Jugs Jugueta (2009–present)
- Jhong Hilario (2012–present)
- Ryan Bang (2012–present)
- Coleen Garcia (2012–present)
- Eric "Eruption" Tai (2012–present)
The former and occasional guest co-hosts were:
- Angel Locsin (2013)
- Jericho Rosales (2013)
- Erich Gonzales (2013)
- Maja Salvador (2013)
- Cristine Reyes (2013)
- Carmina Villaroel-Legazpi (2012)
- Iya Villania (2010-2011)
- Nikki Gil (2010-2011)
- Kim Chiu (2011-2012)
- DJ M.O.D. (2009–present)
- DJ Nick (2009–present)
- Ervin "Dumbo" Plaza (2009–present)
- Jonas (2009–present)
- Showtime Dancers (2009–present)
- XB GenSan (2010–present)
Overview of It's Showtime
On October 24, 2009, Showtime premiered as a morning program, airing before the network's noontime shows. The original cast consisted of Vhong Navarro, Anne Curtis, Kim Atienza, Teddy Corpuz and Jugs Jugueta, and Vice Ganda as the permanent judge. During the third season, the show added previously evicted judges – Billy Crawford and Karylle as hosts
In its first four seasons (see below), Showtime had its competition format, wherein three groups, each made up of two to twenty-five members (with no age limit), performing a single performance, whether it is a song and/or dance number or an acting performance. Before the performance, at least one member of the group is given 20 seconds to make an introduction in any way that reflects the group, but should end with the clause "It's Showtime!", but in the All Star Barangayan edition, their barangay will be given 30 seconds of their introduction but same process and the barangay with the best introduction will win ₱10,000. After the performance, the judges, as well as members of the audience, rate the group from 1 to 10. Audience ratings do not count, but can influence the ratings to be given by the judges. Season 4 paved way not only for groups, but also for solo, duo and trio performers to join the competition. The season's change will also have a 1st Runner-Up, every competition, the group or performer with the second highest score will take home ₱20,000. The format spanned four regular seasons, with special editions like Kids Edition and Campus Clash Edition aired within and in-between seasons. (see below for the list of special editions)
A fourth competition spot is randomly given to one of three groups who did not pass the auditions, but are still worthy to perform in the show. After the group's performance, the judges would give a collective yes or no to the group. If the judges give a yes, the group is considered part of the main contest, with the judges' scores to the group's performance to be included in the calculation for the winner. A no would, of course, mean exclusion of the group from the main contest. This segment was removed during season 2. In season 3, during the February 16, 2011 episode, the said segment was returned but no random selection, instead the group automatically performs on stage.
The group with the highest average score from the judges wins and proceeds to the weekly finals. All winners throughout the whole week perform in the weekly finals. Whoever wins in the weekly finals will get the chance to compete in the monthly finals. Lastly, all the monthly finalists compete in a season grand finals.
Aside from the talent competition, Showtime also aired quick and short-termed segments that offer cash prizes to the studio audience. On January 1, 2011, the show was moved temporarily to the noontime slot. It went back to its original timeslot on February 12, 2011 to give way to Happy Yipee Yehey!.
Noontime Variety Format
Showtime ended their pre-noontime slot run on January 28, 2012 to prepare for their noontime-reformatted show which premiered on February 6, 2012 on its new timeslot, 11:30 am, replacing former noontime program Happy Yipee Yehey!. The show retained all of its hosts, including Vice Ganda, while adding former judges Jhong Hilario, Ryan Bang, and Coleen Garcia. Eric Tai was added as a new host during the pilot episode.It's Showtime aired new long-term segments, while the competitive format returned once again as one of its segments. The competitive format was used for one final season, season five. To cater the entire family audience, a new competition called Bida Kapamilya was introduced on April 30, 2012 as season six. Throughout the run of Bida Kapamilya, It's Showtime added Joy Rendon (May 19, 2012) and Red Talimban (October 27, 2012) as part of the cast.